Complete Cycle
Testing(Testers Job)
- 3GPP Spects
- HLD (High Level Design)
- LLD(Low Level Design)
- Feature Development(Developer Work)
- Testing(Testers Job)
Testing(Testers Job)
Below Stesps a tester follows to do a testing work.
- Test Case Writing
- Test Bed Setup
- Flashing Build
- Configuration
- Running Script(Or Manual Test)
- Collect The Logs
- Analyse The Logs
- Bug Reporting to Development Team
When Tester does testing and reports Issue to Development team and then development team rectifies issue and again send to testing team for testing, this process continues till the issue resolved.
1. Test Case Writing(In case of Manual Testing)
To perform a Testing there should be a Layout What thing should a Tester test. To perform a testing tester should follow test cases. These test cases are prepared in excel sheets. Test cases can be prepared on the basis of 3GPP docs.
What things a test case have we can understand by below example.
1. Test Case ID
2. Test Case Description
3. Feature Name
4. Test Requirement
5. Preconditions
6. Post conditions
7. Expected Results
8. Actual Result
9. Status
10. Executed By
11. Executed Date.
12. Comment(If Any)
We can understand these steps by having a example, which is mentioned below, If you are new to this field then you cant understand technical terms, that's why i am taking another and simple example.
Please Go through this Link for a basic understanding of Test Case witing.
It is a good link to understand the concept of Test Cases.
2. Test Bed Setup
Now your thinking what is test bed setup, Test bed setup is nothing but Setup of Physical equipment. Like connection between UE, Multipexer, Simulator, EPC and PC.
All the connection should be correct and proper to start a test case.
3. Flashing Build
Fleshing Build means a software(Protocols and Some other features) is to be flashed into Chip set. That particular software is totally responsible for taking decision for Hardware Activity.
A tester tests these builds flashed in chip set. Build is provded by Developers and we have to flash it in Chip set with the help of different tools.
4. Configuration
After flashing build we have to configure UE or chip set with RF parameters like Band supported, Dual SIM sported and RAT supported etc. as per the requirement.Different companies have different types of files for changing configuration (eg. Qualcomm uses NVM files to configure chip set for testing purpose with the help of QXDM tool.
5. Running Script(Or Manual Test)
To perform any activity there is tow types of method.
1. Automation(Scripting)
2. Manual
First we perform automation testing by using scripts( Programs which are responsible for initiating different types of activity.) Generally Python language is used for scripting.
eg. If we have to do multiple calls testing then its not possible to do manually, because it will take alot of time also there will be no accuracy, thats why we use cripting. If yu worked in drive test with TEMS tool I think you run scripts for Data and short calls. IT is same thing but for different activity.
Generally for small duration test we do manual testing or for Failed test cases we do manual testing.To perform manual testing different tools have different commands.
6. Collect The Logs
When we starts testing we have to collect logs same as in TEMS. There is an option in every tool to start capturing and end capturing. we can collect all the activity and later can be analysed for failed cases.
7. Analyse The Logs
After capturing logs a tester go through fail cases logs and do analysis to get issue of failure.
Different chip set companies have different tools for analysis of logs(eg. Qualcomm uses QXDM and QCAT, Intel uses STT and Samsung uses Shannon Tool etc.).
8. Bug Reporting to Development Team
After analysing logs tester come to know about issue and reports that issue to concern team.
If issue is relates to configuration then tester resets the setting and does configuration again and tests again. If issue is related to Protocol Stacks then tester reports that particular issue to concern team.
eg.; If there is some issue in MAC layer then tester will report that issue to MAC team.
In Next blog I will Start From LTE structure, we will cover all the terminology used in LTE Structure.
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